Arrival & Dismissal
Morning: All cars enter from St. Edward Street
Drop Off: Go straight ahead to the aisle closest to the Parish Hall. Drive as far forward as directed before allowing children to leave the car. Only when you are completely stopped may the children leave the car on the right side only. Please have them leave as quickly as possible so the line will not be held up unduly. NEVER pass a car on the right side – this is the side children are exiting. Children are to go directly to the school yard.
Park and Accompanying Child: Upon entering the parking, go left down the aisle closest to St. Edward Street to park in the area closest to Civic Center Drive and the classrooms (see map above). You must yield to the car line exiting the parking lot and only cross when safe. Do not cross the car line at any other point. You must use the crosswalk behind the cones in walking your child/ren into school.
Afternoon: Follow the above car line procedures or park in a designated parking space. You may use any parking space without cones. Children may only enter cars which are stopped in the car line or properly parked. Children in grades K-4 are to be walked across the parking lot by an adult in the designated crosswalks. Children 5-8 also must use the crosswalks and cross only when the safety patrol tells them it is safe. All children wait in the school walkway or in front of the parish hall area behind the brick wall.