About Us » Accreditation


3rd grade chromebooks"We, the Visiting Committee, wish to commend you, the pastor, administration, faculty, staff, parents, and student body of St. Edward School for working together to make the school a loving, caring, and learning environment...

…The team found our three days at St. Edward School professionally rich and personally rewarding. We experienced a community where everyone is striving to provide a Catholic environment where quality education is a priority."

 -excerpt from February 15, 2019, Accreditation Report

On February 15, 2019, St. Edward School was accredited by the Western Catholic Educational Association (WCEA). The accreditation is a lengthy one year process cumulating in a three-day onsite visit. This accreditation is based on 12 factors.

Factor #1:  The school involves all shareholders in data review, analysis, and dialogue about perceived accomplishments in the areas of Student learning and in developing, implementing, and monitoring goals for improvements in student learning.

Factor #2:  The school has used the prior accreditation findings, both those discovered by the school and those identified by the Visiting Committee, and other pertinent data to ensure all students' high achievement and drive school improvement.

Factor #3:  The school is Catholic approved by the Local Ordinary, providing opportunities for community worship and participation in the Sacraments and promoting evangelization and service to the community.

Factor #4:  The school's purpose is defined through the school's Mission Statement, philosophy, measurable Schoolwide Learning Expectation, Arch/diocesan curriculum standards (and local curriculum standards where Arch/diocesan standards don't exist), and other governing authority expectations.

Factor #5:  The school's organizational structures focus on all students' high achievement and communicate student progress to all shareholders.

Factor #6:  The school uses educationally sound assessment processes to collect data. The school disaggregates and analyzes student performance data and uses the analysis as a basis for instructional/curricular improvement.

Factor #7:  All students make acceptable and measurable progress toward clearly defined Schoolwide Learning Expectations and challenging comprehensive and relevant curriculum standards.

Factor #8:  The staff applies research-based knowledge about teaching and learning in the instructional process. Assessment is frequent and varied, integrated into the teaching/learning process, and informs curriculum planning.

Factor #9:  Within the school's community of faith, students have opportunities to participate in support services and activities to assist them in accessing the curricular and co-curricular programs to achieve the Schoolwide Learning Expectations, Arch/diocesan curriculum standards (local curriculum standards where Arch/diocesan standards don't exist), and other governing authority expectations.

Factor #10:  The pastor, principal, and school board develop, implement, and monitor resources and plans to ensure and support all students' high achievement of the Schoolwide Learning Expectations. Arch/diocesan curriculum standards (local curriculum standards where Arch/diocesan standards don't exist). And other governing authority expectations.

Factor #11:  School's Action Plan addresses critical goals to enhance student learning. The plan supports the high achievement of all students of the Schoolwide Learning Expectations, Arch/diocesan curriculum standards (local curriculum standards where Arch/diocesan standards don't exist), and other institutional and/or governing authority expectations.

Factor #12:  The school demonstrates the capacity to implement and monitor an Action Plan that ensures high achievement of all students of the Schoolwide Learning Expectations, Arch/diocesan curriculum standards (local curriculum standard where Arch/diocesan standards don't exist), and other governing authority expectations.