Admissions » Tuition Assistance Program

Tuition Assistance Program



Tuition assistance awards are made for a one-year period and must be renewed each year for returning students.  A completed FACTS Grant Aid and Assessment application must be completed HERE in order to be considered for financial assistance.


Some families may also qualify for The BASIC Fund (see The BASIC Fund information below). The BASIC Fund is an online process at It is important that financial aid applications be submitted on time due to the limited funds available. The BASIC Fund provides scholarships on a first-come, first-served basis to families in financial need. The awards are based on household size and income and cover up to $2,750 of the tuition per child each school year.  

All families who either currently have a student or are applying to St. Edward School are eligible to apply for tuition assistance.
All tuition assistance granted is based on financial need. This is determined from the FACTS Grant Aid and Assessment application. FACTS calculates a student's financial need and the school reviews and awards the amount of funding and number of families in need. The school reviews a variety of factors, including but not limited to family income that may affect a family's ability to pay.
YES.  Each family must apply every year to receive tuition assistance. Returning families who have significantly different economic circumstances this year may receive more or less assistance than they received last year.

FACE (Family Aid Catholic Education) is funded and administered by the Diocese of Oakland.  These awards are determined by FACE and then communicated to St. Edward School. Families can apply to FACE by checking the box when first applying to FACTS Grant Aid and Assessment. A deadline in March is stated. 


The BASIC Fund (Bay Area Scholarships for Inner-City Children) is a privately funded program whose mission is to broaden the educational opportunities for inner-city children by helping low-income families afford the cost of tuition at private schools in the Bay Area. The program is available to students entering Transitional Kindergarten through 8th grade at a private school for the first time. The BASIC Fund scholarships are awarded on the basis of financial need.  

When filling out the student application in FACTS, check the box for FACE under the organization and school name. FACTS Grant Assessment will forward your application information to FACE.  There is no need to apply separately.
To facilitate the application process, and to meet deadlines, we encourage you to finish your taxes early.  Federal Income Tax Returns from the previous year may be used if they are accompanied by the W-2 forms for the current year.