Student Outreach

Following in the footsteps of St. Dominic, St. Edward, and St. Gaspar, students at St. Edward strive to be active Christians who demonstrate a spirit of service. All of us by our Baptism are called to spread the Gospel message of Jesus Christ, who reached out to the poor, the vulnerable, and those in need. Such a spirit of giving is integral to being a follower of Jesus.
This is the spirit of St. Dominic and call of Mother Pia, the foundress of the Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose, Saint Edward, our parish patron saint and Saint Gaspar, founder of the Missionaries of the Precious Blood who serve our parish.
Our school theme "Community of Faith, Knowledge, and Service" reflects our living of the Gospel and our commitment to serve others. Our dedication to continue to follow Jesus' example flows from the love God generously gives us daily. This is the call we share together in our school community. In this spirit, students are required to give a certain number of outreach hours of service.