4th Grade » Homework


Hello there, Parents!  This is Mrs. Morales, and I am currently using Ms. Gill's account while my account is getting set up.  I hope that happens by next week, if not by when we return from the Christmas break.  In the meantime, I also have a work email that you may use; [email protected].  
Tonight's homework is Math 8-4 page 105 & 106.  I do allow children to work on the homework during class, so some have finished.  I ask them to take it home and review it and share it with you.  
They also need to study the Studies Weekly Week 13, I would like to give them a test on that on Monday. They all have this, it looks like a newspaper.  They have been reading it all week.
There is also vocabulary that they have been doing this week with words from the 2 stories we read this week (Weslandia and The Circuit).  They have this handout also, titled Weekly Vocabulary.  If I am not able to get this test prepped for them, then we will do it Monday, also..
Blessings and Prayers for the continued growth with this 4th grade class.
Mrs. Liana Morales